Friday, July 9, 2010


On July 1st 2010 Westwood College

Presented Sideshow for the first at The Findings in San Pedro, Ca, it was a success.
The show displayed a circus theme arts and some non-theme.
Various students from the design program had the oportunity to participate in the show, many of the art pieces were
for sale and others for exhibition only.

I was there taking pictures all around and during the show, I also had two pieces displayed as well.

Everybody who attended had a great time, there was DJ and Live music, popcorn and lemonade for drinks.
These sideshow girls can tell you more with these pictures.
I want to say that the feeling by being part of an event like this is great, is almost like having a wish come thru.

I have the oportunity to capture images that will keep memories for a long time.

Thanks to Wetswood College and Anna T. for giving this assignment. 
Good job everyone.
Coming soon; a complete coverage with pictures of the event, keep your eyes open in your next visit.
sign; Francisco J. Chavira

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Anonymous said...

I attended the event it was nice. I wish there were more samples of the artists. but overall it was a very nice show.

Anonymous said...

keep it up great!!

Anonymous said...

very good pictures you need more examples. In this competive market you have to be creative and try something none has tried before.overall you have it man good luck.

Francisco said...

The show was a success!
Is now down, we'll see next time again with more exciting art pieces!