Wednesday, July 28, 2010

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Friday, July 9, 2010


On July 1st 2010 Westwood College

Presented Sideshow for the first at The Findings in San Pedro, Ca, it was a success.
The show displayed a circus theme arts and some non-theme.
Various students from the design program had the oportunity to participate in the show, many of the art pieces were
for sale and others for exhibition only.

I was there taking pictures all around and during the show, I also had two pieces displayed as well.

Everybody who attended had a great time, there was DJ and Live music, popcorn and lemonade for drinks.
These sideshow girls can tell you more with these pictures.
I want to say that the feeling by being part of an event like this is great, is almost like having a wish come thru.

I have the oportunity to capture images that will keep memories for a long time.

Thanks to Wetswood College and Anna T. for giving this assignment. 
Good job everyone.
Coming soon; a complete coverage with pictures of the event, keep your eyes open in your next visit.
sign; Francisco J. Chavira

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Friday, May 14, 2010

What can I talk about

Well I don't know, maybe that I am so bussy lately, and I don't know what can I do for the side show.